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How to Prepare For Toilet Training

Toilet training, if necessary, can be a challenge for the parent and child. As children develop physically and psychologically at different ages and stages, it is important that parents are able to recognize when their child is ready to begin the process. Once you feel your child is ready, toilet training approach in a positive way, encouraging and consistent. The role model of a father becomes crucial for a boy as noted at and you will discover the right motivational triggers which are keys to success. 


Physical preparation 
Learning the cleanliness is not going to work if your child is not physically ready to learn. The ability to resist the urge to urinate or defecate does not occur at a particular age. Every child develops differently such as when you start potty training boys. The muscles that close the bladder and intestines must be mature enough to work under the command of consciousness of the child. This usually occurs around 18 to 24 months, but maybe later in the development. According to Dr. Sears of the Doctors TV show, the ability to control bodily functions occurs in this order: control bowel overnight, bowel control during the day, then bladder control during the day, and the last, the control bladder at night. Some children 

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Psychological Preparation 
can wet the bed for a long time after mastering drought during the day as a full bladder can exert too much pressure to the child control while he sleeps. Just as your child should be physically able to begin toilet training, it must be mentally competent. Early toilet training in a calm environment. Try to teach your child while under duress - to move to a new home, having a new baby in the house, the death of a grandparent - will be against-productive. Your child should be able to relax and focus on the process. It also needs to express an interest and willingness to use the toilet. Most children see toilet training as a step to grow, but others try to hold on "being a baby" as long as possible.


Children are often curious about your trips to the bathroom and what their older brothers and sisters are. Enjoy this natural curiosity and explain the success of process. Your will be greater if you and your child are relaxed and eager to begin a new adventure. If your child comes to you, soiled diaper in hand, and said, "Dirty!" You know he is ready to begin toilet training. 

Telltale Signs

Some signs that your child is aware of his bodily functions and is ready to begin toilet training are: he stops what he's doing and "zones" when he feels the urge to go, hides behind something when he feels the internal pressure and pulls on his coat or looks expectantly it. It may show interest in the toilet, potty or your bathroom activities. It can also express the desire to wear "big boy pants" or stay dry for longer and longer periods. 


Technical Things
According to the psychologist television Dr. Phil McGraw, all you need is a model role, patience, plenty of fluids and a motivator. He recommends waiting until your child is about two years, then book a day for the training process. Show her a baby doll that wets, demonstrating how wet the doll in the potty, then ask your child to show the doll how to use the toilet. When the doll is successful, give the doll a big party. Tell the child if he can do what the doll did, he will not only get a great party, but he can call his favorite superhero. Get a friend or family member to act as the superhero and provide the child with praise and attention when he made ​​the triumphant call. 


Toilet Training Tips 
Place a small pot in every room bathroom for easy access. 
approach to toilet training in a relaxed positively. Offer praise and other valuable rewards for any sign of success. During toilet training, keep your child well hydrated then he will feel the urge to use the potty. If your child has an accident, do not get angry or scold. Simply change into dry underwear and bring it to the potty several times to reinforce the idea that this is where pot goes.

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